
00774 - Junior Frontend Developer - SIRIS Academic

  • Location: Barcelona (Spain)
  • Contract: Temporary
  • Working day: Full time
  • Sector: Internet and technology
  • Vacancies: 1
  • Discipline: ICT

Barcelona Digital Talent

Barcelona Digital Talent impulsa la competitivitat del mercat fent front a l'actual bretxa  de talent digital. Amb l'objectiu de posicionar Barcelona com capital de talent, el programa promou el reskilling en competències digitals dels professionals i l'atracció local i internacional dels nous professionals en el mercat.

BDT gestiona ofertes d'empreses que necessiten cobrir vacants de personal.

Barcelona Digital Talent impulsa la competitividad del mercado haciendo frente a la actual brecha de talento digital.

Con el objetivo de posicionar Barcelona como capital de talento, el programa promueve el reskilling en competencias digitales de los profesionales y la atracción local e internacional de nuevos profesionales en el mercado.

BDT gestiona ofertas de empresas que necesitan cubrir vacantes de personal.

Job description

This profile is part of the Digital Talent Speed ​​Dating Networking Space that will take place on November 18th and 19th. Come and network with companies that want to meet professionals like you.


What? We are a consulting firm which provides strategic decision makers of the public or non- profit sector with insights, processes and tools which challenge them to think and enable them to accomplish their mission better. Our services can take many forms: a strategic or analytical report, a business intelligence exploratory or monitoring tool, a participatory workshop or a coaching session, the moderation of a discussion, a political recommendation, etc. But if the form varies, the core is always the same: what matters to us is to help leaders make better, more informed and more accountable decisions for the benefit of the citizens.


How? We approach problems as researchers would: questioning systematically, proposing models, looking for evidence. We never defend a position with which we do not agree. We provide decision-makers with the tools and arguments to take decisions but we also understand that their job involves political compromises and that the ideal decision is not always either possible or optimal.

Who? Born from research, our team of almost 30 people is made of a colorful mix, with specialities ranging from archaeology to physics, and philosophy to biology. Together, we represent 7 nationalities and speak many languages. Our team is held together by a strong ethical vision, based on the respect of the contribution of everyone, the belief in collective wisdom, and a deep curiosity.

Where? Based in Barcelona, we work mostly in Europe, with a strong base in Spain, France and Italy, and activities in the UK and Germany.

With whom? Our clients are leaders and managers in regional governments, ministries, universities and research organizations, not-for-profit foundations, etc.

In which sectors? Currently, most of our activity focuses on the sectors of higher education and science & innovation policy.

And…. why? Deep down, we want to make the world a better place by improving public policies. We are strong believers in the power of science-based evidence, participative approaches and accountability processes to improve the way public policies are designed and decisions taken, day after day.

You are and ideal candidate if you have an interest to start a career into the field of Data Visualization, so ideally you're willing to know more about the works and publications of Tufte, Wurman and how to apply these theories for helping leaders in making better, more informed and more accountable decisions for the benefit of the citizens .

You know the principles that guide good information design and know when to apply the paradigms and how to best convey the message that you need to put out there through your visualization work.

You are able to relate the information in a different way so you make sense out of the data in a visual way. You have practical experience on what works and what doesn't so you are experienced enough to decide which representation is the best in order to get insight from the data and make the patterns flourish.



  • Contract: 12 months with the possibility of becoming permanent 
  • Weekly Hours: 40
  • Schedulede: Monday to Friday from 9-5
  • Annual gross salary: 22000-24000 depending on experience 


Your Skills and Experience


  • Basic front end technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Model-View-Controller oriented javascript frameworks (e.g., angular.js, Backbone.js, React.js)
  • Front End building tools and package/dependencies management (e.g., Bower, Grunt, Require/AMD, Yeoman,
  • Data visualisation related tools (e.g., D3.js, vega.js, Highcharts, Gephi, sigma.js, Bokeh, GIS Visualization)
  • Knowledge of relational databases
  • RESTful web services
  • Semantic web and LOD technologies (e.g., SPARQL)
  • Visual design tools for prototyping: Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Omnigraffle, etc...
  • Version-control systems (e.g., Git, SVN, Mercurial)
  • Basic front end technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript Model-View-Controller oriented javascript framewor

Personal Skills 

  • Digital Competences
  • Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Creativity
  • Planning and Organization
  • Conceptual Thinking
  • Analytical Thinking


English B2



Job closed

  • Location: Barcelona (Spain)
  • Contract: Temporary
  • Working day: Full time
  • Sector: Internet and technology
  • Vacancies: 1
  • Discipline: ICT